Πέμπτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The stonesoup: How computing shapes the Society of Sharing

Once upon a time there was a village...

This is the story that was enacted by primary and secondary students on 21-22 October, 2019 and teachers on 23 October, 2019 at the theater of Mikis Theodorakis, Chania, Greece within C3 training event "TIM Pilot" and E1 multiplier "First TIM National Event", organized by the TIM - Theatre in Mathematics Erasmus+ project (https://www.theatreinmath.eu/)

Having the pleasure to be the local organizer of these important events I had the opportunity to watch from inside how this story brings forth the value of sharing...

Reflecting on this deep learning experience, I realized that the "stone" in this beautiful story is the computer! And the village is the Society of Rare Resources, in which humans lived for centuries... The computer opened up the opportunity for everybody to offer her/his talents and knowledge to develop new hardware and software and by sharing it with the others, multiply the goods in our society and enrich our material and immaterial wealth so that everybody can be richer!

However, I think that not all people have realized the meaning of this magical stone yet... This is why we have the crisis expanding all over the world: Greediness of some people prevents the "soup" from reaching all humans on earth...

However, in response to this, the magical stone continues to trigger more and more offerings. Exposing the greedy more and more. Will they understand and change their attitude before the masses get angry? I do not know. But let us all, my fellow citizens of the Society of Sharing, continue our work and see what happens...